Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A Divided Country: The Civil War Told in Art

During the last few days in class, we have gone into deeper discussion on the 1860 Election. For this specific lesson, we were asked the question, " How were the results of the election of 1860 representative of the deep divisions over slavery?" By creating a mini project and analyzing Civil War Art, we were able to answer this essential question.  At the begging of the lesson, we watched a Crash Course Video, which gave us some insight on the basics of the election before we started analyzing. The video discussed events such as the Fugitive Slave Law and Bleeding Kansas. It is evident that division over slavery was present during these events. During the 1860 Election, the country was basically divided into distinct sections. Unlike many other men during this time, Abraham Lincoln was against slavery. Men such as Stephen A. Douglas, John Bell, and John C. Breckenridge voiced other opinions regarding slavery. Because of this, it is clear that Abraham Lincoln would most likely get the vote in states that were against slavery. Compared to states that were against or for slavery, it was evident that there were more states that sided with Lincoln. It is also clear that America was in fact  divided throughout this election This is shown in the photo shown above. After analyzing this information, we worked in groups of two or three, and created videos regarding Civil War Art. In order to get the majority of our information and some of our photos, we used a website that Ms. Gallagher provided for us. Anna and I decided to use Educations to create our "Story of the Civil War" project. Check out our video down below!


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